
The bacteria that cause Amarelinho or Citrus Variegated Chlorosis, CVC, are known scientifically as Xylella fastidiosa. They are microscopic rods with 0,2 to 0,5 micrometer of diameter by 1 to 4 micrometer of length. They do not have flagella (filamentous appendices used for locomotion) and, therefore, have limited active mobility. Their cells are covered by a thick cell wall, with grooves and ripples. Xylella are bacteria restricted to the water conducting vessels of the plant, the main constituents of the xylem. They are transmitted by sharpshooter leafhoppers, insects which feed exclusively on the xylem. Bacterial damage results from the plugging of xylem vessels, which restricts water and nutrient supply in the plant. The photo above represents a magnification of 14.000 times and the one below, of 8.000 times.
